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英译好声音 第四十期 Terracotta Warriors The Eighth Wonder of the World

发布时间:2024-04-24 浏览量: 作者:贾贺童

Terracotta Warriors The Eighth Wonder of the World

兵马俑 世界第八大奇迹


作者 /贾贺童

指导教师 /剧叶玲 高正

More than 2,000 years ago, Ying Zheng, the First Emperor of Qin, who had swept away rival states and unified all states in one China, attached great importance to the construction of his mausoleum.

2000 多年前,一扫六合、统一中国的秦始皇嬴政十分重视自己的陵墓修建。

After inspecting many places and taking feng shui into account, he finally chose a site at the foot of Lishan Mountain.


He appointed Li Si, the prime minister, to oversee the planning and design of the mausoleum and recruited skilled craftsmen from all over the country to build a huge army of terracotta figures, not only with soldiers, but also with war horses, chariots and real weapons, which had to be made life sized.


According to the system used at that time, the names of the artisans who made the terracotta figures were also engraved on the body, thereby enabling inspectors to check the work of the artisans, eliminating substandard products and improving efficiency and quality.






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