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英译好声音 第十四期 Traditional Chinese Clothing

发布时间:2023-04-21 浏览量: 作者:李雨萌

Traditional Chinese Clothing 汉服

作者 /李雨萌

指导教师 / 班海东 史潘荣 张泽妍

The Traditional Chinese Clothing, or literally “Clothing of the Han people”, refers to the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese, the predominant ethnic group of China.


From the reign of the legendary Yellow Emperor (2717BC-2599BC) to the end of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), the Traditional Chinese Clothing dominated the Han Chinese fashion world for a period of over four thousand years.


The Traditional Chinese Clothing disappeared after the invasion of the Manchus in the 17th century, under whose reign the Han Chinese were forced to adopt the Manchu hairstyle (the pigtail) and the Manchu-style clothing.

直至公元 17世纪,因满族建立的清政权强迫实行剃发易服而消亡。

After the collapse of the Qing Dynasty in 1912, the Manchu dress and the pigtail gave way to the western-style dress.

1912 年清朝灭亡之后,西式服装逐渐流行。

The basic style of the Traditional Chinese Clothing was established in the Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC-256 BC), including the Shenyi style, a full-length, one-piece robe which links the Yi and Shang together to wrap up the body; the Yi (the upper garment) and Shang (the skirt) style.

汉服定型于周朝(公元前1046年—公元前256 年),形制主要有“深衣”制(上下相连、被体深邃)、“上衣下裳”制(上衣、下裙)。

Main patterns include the diagonally crossed collar, the left lapel over the right, tight upper garment with loose sleeves, tying with sash in place of buttons, and the lower garment in the shape of an apron.


Ornaments like tassels and jade pendants are worn hanging from the sash, to be completed with hats for men and hairpieces for women.


The Traditional Chinese Clothing boasts a wide and profound influence.


Many traditional costumes of Asian countries, such as the kimono in Japan and Korean traditional dress, are derived from the Traditional Chinese Clothing and have preserved over centuries the pre-Manchu style of the Traditional Chinese Clothing.


In recent years, there has been a revival of Hanfu as a Chinese national costume in China.


The Traditional Chinese Clothing can be seen in some important worship, commemoration and traditional festivals in modern society.


Although Qipao and Tangzhuang are usually seen as traditional Chinese clothing, they are not regarded as the national costume by advocates of revival of the Traditional Chinese Clothing, since they are relatively recent clothing styles. Hence Qipao and Tangzhuang cannot represent the entire history of Chinese clothing.







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